Monday, June 25, 2012

So Long 6th Grade

Bella graduated from 6th Grade this year.  Which means she moves to the Jr High next year.  Not sure how excited we are about that...
We will have one kid in High School, two in Jr High and 2 in Elementary.  They are growing up fast.  For Bella's 6th Grade Celebration, they had a dance at her school.  Josh volunteered to chaperon so he spent an evening watching her have a great time with her friends.  She was a bit mortified at the fact that her Dad would be there and that he could quite possibly spoil all her fun, but when I asked her about it she said that he wasn't embarrassing and that he spent most of his time in the other room.  She also told me that it was the 'best four hours of her life."
She also participated in 6th Grade Graduation which Josh and I went and watched her receive her 'diploma'.  They had some refreshments and a slide show and went through all of the 6th Grade classes.  They were all given a t-shirt from Stahl to wear the following Monday on their tour of the Jr High.

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