Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Moderate Dysplasia?!?!?

I received the results back from my Dermatologist yesterday.  Moderate Dysplasia.  However, the borders where clean so no need for additional testing.  I Googled Moderate Dysplasia and this is what it says:

According to the National Cancer Institute, doctors believe that dysplastic nevi are more likely than ordinary moles to develop into a type of skin cancer called melanoma. However, currently, most dermatologists do not believe that dysplastic nevi develop into melanomas.[citation needed] But individuals with multiple dysplastic nevi are at much higher risk for developing melanomas. Because of this, moles should be checked regularly by a doctor or nurse specialist, especially if they look unusual; grow larger; or change in color, or outline; or if any changes occur.

Needless to say, my doctor wants to see me back in December and then AT LEAST once a year for basically the rest of my life.  I'm glad I got this checked out when I did.  She told me it was well on it's way to developing into melanoma.  That would have been fun...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Signs of Getting Old

I've been blessed by genetics to be covered in moles.  I've never had any problems with it but once in a while I get kids asking "what's that?" and poking and picking at the moles on my neck. 
I have a few family members that have had some issues with skin/skin cancer etc. so I've always been a little nervous about having so many potential cancer causing marks on my body.
I went to the Dermatologist a few months ago and she checked me from head to toe (not the greatest experience in the world). 
When she came to a flat mole on my back just under my shoulder blade, she FLIPPED!  She made me really nervous going on and on about how bad it looked and how dark it was and that she needed to take a closer look etc.  She put on her big magnifying glasses and looked at it for a solid 5 minutes before she said "it needs to come off".
I wasn't scheduled to have any form of medical procedure.  I was only there for a simple 'skin check'.  She asked if I wanted her to remove it right then.  I panicked.  I wasn't prepared for that.  Punch biopsy?  Needles?  Stitches?  Don't you need some prep time before committing to that kind of stuff?
Needless to say, I rescheduled.  So yesterday, I went in to have my mole removed.  It really wasn't all that bad.  A little prick from a baby sized needle, a second of burning as the medicine took effect and then some slicing, pulling, cutting etc.  I couldn't feel it, but I certainly knew what was going on. 
The  worst was when they kept wiping the blood that was dripping down my side.  I knew exactly what was happening and it was kind of gross to think about.  Anywho....if you are squeamish, you might not want to look at the after pic (wishing now that I would have taken a before pic).


Now for the next phase of anxiety....waiting for the results!


We had family pictures taken at my Grandma's property in Hibbard while we were in Idaho.  We haven't gotten the finished product back yet (it's in the mail) but these are a few candid shots that I thought were great.  (Ryson had already gone back to UT when these were taken).

These get more and more creative every year!


We had an AMAZING summer.  We played TONS and we didn't want it to end.  Sorry for the picture overload, but it's always fun to look back on good memories!

Everything in Between - During our Summer trip to Idaho

Zak shooting guns

Lefty shooting guns

Chaos, Chaos and more Chaos

We ate Chinese (What were YOU looking at?)

This is how the kids slept every night while we were there.

ZAK DRIVING !?!?!?!?!
Every chance he could get.

West Yellowstone - Day 3 of our Summer Trip to Idaho

Posing while we wait for Old Faithful to blow

Pit stop

Our caravan

Holy carseats (and this was only one row-we had another whole row and another car full of carseats)

Cousin Gavin

Cousin Sky

Cousin Chelsea, Cousin Sky and Bella

Ang, Sam and Kyle

Gma and Gpa with all the kiddos

The Lodge

ALL the Grandkids


Gma & Gpa

Cousin James

Bella and James (she loved helping with all the little ones)

Bron and Cousin Owen

Thar He Blows...

I thought it was more entertaining watching everyone else watch Old Faithful

Facebook Opportunity

Cousin Brooke, Cousin Chelsea, Cousin Sky and Gma

Some of the gang

Some of the fam

Scenery-Our kids BEGGED to touch EVERYTHING we walked passed


Posers-Sam and Kyle


Famous Big Juds for dinner (man vs food has been here)

Home of the 1 lb burger (and then some)

Teton-Day 2 of our Summer trip to Idaho