Friday, September 16, 2011

Signs of Getting Old

I've been blessed by genetics to be covered in moles.  I've never had any problems with it but once in a while I get kids asking "what's that?" and poking and picking at the moles on my neck. 
I have a few family members that have had some issues with skin/skin cancer etc. so I've always been a little nervous about having so many potential cancer causing marks on my body.
I went to the Dermatologist a few months ago and she checked me from head to toe (not the greatest experience in the world). 
When she came to a flat mole on my back just under my shoulder blade, she FLIPPED!  She made me really nervous going on and on about how bad it looked and how dark it was and that she needed to take a closer look etc.  She put on her big magnifying glasses and looked at it for a solid 5 minutes before she said "it needs to come off".
I wasn't scheduled to have any form of medical procedure.  I was only there for a simple 'skin check'.  She asked if I wanted her to remove it right then.  I panicked.  I wasn't prepared for that.  Punch biopsy?  Needles?  Stitches?  Don't you need some prep time before committing to that kind of stuff?
Needless to say, I rescheduled.  So yesterday, I went in to have my mole removed.  It really wasn't all that bad.  A little prick from a baby sized needle, a second of burning as the medicine took effect and then some slicing, pulling, cutting etc.  I couldn't feel it, but I certainly knew what was going on. 
The  worst was when they kept wiping the blood that was dripping down my side.  I knew exactly what was happening and it was kind of gross to think about.  Anywho....if you are squeamish, you might not want to look at the after pic (wishing now that I would have taken a before pic).


Now for the next phase of anxiety....waiting for the results!

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