Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Moderate Dysplasia?!?!?

I received the results back from my Dermatologist yesterday.  Moderate Dysplasia.  However, the borders where clean so no need for additional testing.  I Googled Moderate Dysplasia and this is what it says:

According to the National Cancer Institute, doctors believe that dysplastic nevi are more likely than ordinary moles to develop into a type of skin cancer called melanoma. However, currently, most dermatologists do not believe that dysplastic nevi develop into melanomas.[citation needed] But individuals with multiple dysplastic nevi are at much higher risk for developing melanomas. Because of this, moles should be checked regularly by a doctor or nurse specialist, especially if they look unusual; grow larger; or change in color, or outline; or if any changes occur.

Needless to say, my doctor wants to see me back in December and then AT LEAST once a year for basically the rest of my life.  I'm glad I got this checked out when I did.  She told me it was well on it's way to developing into melanoma.  That would have been fun...

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