Tuesday, August 30, 2011

He's FINALLY back!!!

Ryson flew in from UT last night at 7pm.  He had some friends that really wanted to go with us to pick him up.  9 weeks is a LONG time to not be involved with your buddies. We told Ryson that his friends couldn't come to the gate so they had decided to stay home and just see him when he got there.  They snuck up on him at baggage claim and they have been all smiles ever since.  
We ordered pizza on our way home.  It was there about 2 minutes after we pulled in the driveway.  The boys ate and then went and partied in the hot tub and Jake's house.  They were doing cannon balls and belly flops.  I think there was more water on the ground than there was in the hot tub.
It was SO nice to have some noise/chaos in our house once again.  We had neighbors over, people were showing up to try on basketball warm ups, the boys were running in and out, we had 3 dogs running through the house, life is getting back to normal...

I've missed this!!

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